
Friday, November 13, 2015

Kentucky Program Reviews Toolkit--NEW Version

This NEW VERSION of the Kentucky Program Review Toolkit is based on the NEW rubrics, includes Global Competency/World Languages AND simplifies the evidence gathering process by: 
1) SHARING the responsibility AND 
2) utilizing QUESTIONNAIRES to elicit evidence! 
For each major area, there are separate sections for the following teams:
PLC Chairpersons/Guidance Counselors/Lead Teachers Principals
SBDM Councils
RTI Coordinators (K-3 Program Review only)

How do we get started with the Toolkit?
Deal with one area at a time. Simply copy the appropriate sections for each team. Dividing the responsibility brings this daunting task down to the “do-able” level. 

According to PR Audit trainings in 2015, if your school is audited, no more than 2-3 pieces of excellent evidence are needed per demonstrator, but it must be strong evidence that reflects across your school population. 

Teachers can strategically divide their designated descriptors/characteristics, thus REDUCING THE WORKLOAD! You can decide to collect hard copy evidence, keeping one binder per team or keep the collection together in one place. OR you can go digital and use various technologies to house your evidence. 

Included as a part of this purchase is a Google Slides collection tool (email me at to get your FREE copy! Be sure to include your school email address.) Since there's an app for Google Slides, after you customize your title slide and share, anyone involved in evidence collection can use a smartphone or tablet to upload evidence!

You’ll be confident that your evidence substantiates the Program Review scores you are working toward. Language from the Proficient rubric ratings are used in all areas of this Toolkit:
Arts & Humanities
Career Studies/Practical Living Global Competency/World Languages
✔Curriculum materials still in use need not be replaced yearly (except to revise dates to reflect current school year OR if they are improved upon), but student work samples do need to be updated yearly.
☞ Evidence with this symbol could NOT be easily produced for an audit if not collected during the school year (student work, evidence of feedback, using assessment to inform instruction, etc.)

I hope this resource simplifies your whole Program Review process, increases your scores AND makes life easier for your teachers, as well!

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