
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Bloom into Discussion! Picture-Based Discussion Skills

Welcome to Bloom into Discussion! I developed these picture cues to develop the discussion skills of younger students. There are picture prompts for each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy PLUS super-helpful discussion stems. Use a projector or print posters to introduce one new skill at a time and watch your students’ question formation and discussion skills grow!
Bloom’sStart with a question:
Remember (Student with finger in the air, like he/she just remembered something important) 
Understand (Student pointing to target, as if pointing to the most important point to summarize) 
Apply (Student with shrugged shoulders...I wonder how or why)
Analyze (Student writing-perhaps between the lines-to signify inference)
Evaluate (Student with speech bubble-to represent justifying thinking)
Create (Student imagining-representing creating something new)

Discussion Stems:Then build on the first student’s answer:
I’m thinking...(Student with finger on chin to signify thinking)
What if
...(Student creating something, as if saying, “What if we did this in a new way?”)
It confused me when
...(Student standing at two-way sign, not sure which way to go)
I agree with
...(Thumbs up)
I respectfully disagree with
...because...(Thumbs down)
I have a connection to
...(Big purple creature with a little purple creature-they are connected) 
One thing we should notice...(Fingers holding a litte worm, to signify a little, yet important, detail) 
I used to think..but now...(Student with a light bulb to signify ideas)
My guess is
...(Student with finger to mouth as if making a guess)
I thought this part was hard when
...(Student with a productive struggle-it’s okay to struggle!) 

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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Next Generation Science 4th Grade WAVES Unit!

This unit has been a LONG time in the making, and it's ready to go!  I hope you 4th grade science teachers and your students enjoy experiencing it as much as I did creating it! Download your copy today--included is a FREE WHITEBOARD version of your choice. :)

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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Calendar Manipulatives: Instant Activity!

Included in this handy set are calendar frames, month labels, day labels and number labels in 8 different colors! 
How to use:
• Print on cardstock
• Cut out labels
• Place in gallon zip-lock bags for easy distribution. Keeping the sets separated by color helps prevent mixing up pieces between students.
Formative Assessment:
Make several copies of the black calendar frame for formative assessment! After students place the cardstock calendar pieces, have them copy the information onto a blank recording sheet.
Young students can create the current month's calendar. Older students can figure months in the future or past.
Have fun!

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New Word Work! INK Edition

Word Work Fans:
An new edition is ready!

Welcome to Wonderful Word Work! With this series, you can teach spelling within the framework of the Word Work part of your Daily 5 or center time. Once children learn the activity formats, this is work they’ll be able to do independently. Simply introduce the activity for the day before
beginning your rotations. If you wish, each set of wordswith and without added affixescan be used in a weekly spelling test. Word sets are selected specifically to teach spelling rules, creating great spellers and writers!
Activity 1: Making words! Combine beginning sounds with “ink”Make a set of cards for each child in the center and place in a zip-lock bag. Provide a recording sheet for each child. Demonstrate how to write the new word and draw a picture to illustrate it on the “My Word Work Recording Sheet” (printed 2-sided).
Activity 2: Adding a suffixMake a set of cards for each child in the center and place in a zip- lock bag. Provide a “Back to the Root” sheet for each child.
Activity 3: Word Hunt: Tell students to think of other silent “-ink” words. Write them, then use a suffix that makes sense with the new words. Choose one new word to illustrate on the back of this page.
Activity 4: The Shape of a Word: Provide each child with the activity sheet. Once children learn what letters may go in each size box, this is a fun, puzzle-like activity.
Activity 5: Composing Sentences: Provide each child with the activity sheet. Tell them their sentences may include more than one word from the word bank AND they may use any suffixes they wish that make sense. After writing 4 sentences, ask them to pick one sentence to illustrate. You may want them to underline the word bank words in their sentences. 
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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

1st Grade Next Generation Science--Organisms: Structures and Processes unit

Whew!  This unit took me an entire year (during my "free" time) to write, but it's awesome!  1st grade teachers, download your copy today!  After purchase, email me at and request your FREE whiteboard version--specify whether you use SmartNotebook or ActivInspire.

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